Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Biome – a podcast dedicated to nurturing the ecosystem of business, body, and living. Every business has a unique heartbeat that is fed, regulated, stimulated, and enlivened by its people. In fact, you can have a business – called your life – even if you don’t have a formal business. How and what do you feed it? How do you listen, make decisions, and move the compass needle in the direction of greater? What if your body knows something about that? Would you consider giving your body a leadership role in your business? The Entrepreneurial Biome is designed for high-level, enthusiastic, change-seeking entrepreneurs & creatives interested in growing their businesses through the enrichment of their lives and bodies. The Entrepreneurial Biome is about the art of a life well-lived that always translates into a healthy, growing business when the body is at the helm.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Thriving During the Holidays
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
The holiday season can be a tricky time of year for so many of us, with a different pace, different people, different activities, food, etc. that can throw us off from all the great choices we've been making all year. In this episode, Heather shares some great questions and tools for having peace with other people, taking care of our bodies, and making sure our businesses keep thriving even when the world is in holiday mode!
For more resources, conversations, and tools to thrive this time of year, join Heather for the Holiday Thrival Guide - an explosion of holiday creations, conversations, and possibilities from now until the beginning of the new year!
Mentioned In This Episode
Holiday Thrival Guide: heathernichols.com/holidaythrival
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Creating with Chaos
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Have you always known that there was far more magic available to you than what you were experiencing? So many of the seekers of the world have a sense of speed, ease, and actual chaos when it comes to creation that is a highly generative element. However, most of us ignore it or push it down in favor of the linearity of the rest of the world telling us how things need to be done.
Welcome to the Realms of Creation - where chaos is a central element that ignites our magic and explodes creative possibility! What would you like to choose that you have never been willing to choose before? What if you don't have to know how that is going to show up, and. you can just choose it, and go??!
Mentioned In This Episode
Realms of Creation Class with Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer
Business Done Different Class with Heather: heathernichols.com/bddonline
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Being the Change You Wish to See!
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Our world is highly polarized right now, especially with the election in the US having just happened, and everybody seems to be looking for the answer to what is the right, and the wrong way to go for the future of the world. What is possible beyond all of that? What if no single politician or political party will have nearly as much of an impact as our willingness to be aware, to be different, to have true kindness, and to honor each other and our differences? Let's go beyond the hatred and the polarization, and BE something different in the world that creates a greater future for everybody - no matter what their points of view may be!
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
When You Don't Know What To Do, Relax!
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Have you ever had one of those days where you have had so much change that you don't really know who you are anymore, and everything you were creating may not even be relevant anymore? Now what??!
Join Heather for a meandering exploration of the energetics of creation around relaxation, asking questions, getting even more undefined, and having the magic and miraculousness of YOU like never before! Tune in for some chaos, baby!!
As mentioned in the podcast, there are 2 more days to take advantage of Heather's 10% off private sessions and packages sale! Go to heathernichols.com/sessions to purchase and play!
Mentioned In This Episode
Business Done Different Class: heathernichols.com/bddonline
Body, Show Me - What is true for you?: heathernichols.com/bodyshowme
All Upcoming Events with Heather: heathernichols.com/events
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Getting Out of Judgment of Your Body
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
This episode is part 3 of a series on 3 ways to change anything you would like to change with your body!
Judgment is one of the things that we do in our lives and with our bodies that holds limitation, solidity, and stuck-ness in place more dynamically than anything! When we judge our bodies, they actually continue to become even more of what we are judging them for. Judgment of our bodies can be the obvious - judging the size, shape, etc - but it can also be more subtle things such as the judgments of how our bodies function and what they are and are not capable of.
When we stop judging our bodies, we create space in our world and in our tissue for greater ease and change. We can receive from our bodies, co-create with them dynamically, and enjoy them immensely when there is no judgment there. In this episode, Heather shares some powerful tools from Access Consciousness about how to stop judging your body and start receiving from it and creating with it.
What is possible with your body that you have never considered?
Mentioned In This Episode
3-Day Body Classes with Heather: heathernichols.com/bodyclasses
Body Show Me, What is true for you?: heathernichols.com/bodyshowme
Fascia Lab: heathernichols.com/fascialab
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Being the Sculptor and the Sculpture
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
This episode is part 2 of a series on 3 ways to change anything you would like to change with your body!
In this episode, Heather talks about the value and importance of getting strong and developing deep intrinsic strength. From a Bowspring Movement perspective, the development of deep intrinsic strength creates dynamic stability and also open-ness in our bodies that allows for much greater ease and aliveness in every way! Through the Bowspring, we learn a different possibility with our alignment and our posture, and use that information and awareness to be both the sculptor and the sculpture - facilitating our bodies into a different, more easeful way of being.
Tap in to this inspiring episode that will challenge your points of view about aging, pain, and the body's ability to change!
Mentioned In This Episode
Fascia Lab: heathernichols.com/fascialab
Body, Show Me: What is true for you?: heathernichols.com/bodyshowme
Bowspring Movement: bowspring.com
A Taste of Bowspring with Heather: heathernichols.com/bowspringtaste
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Lubricate Your Tissue!
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
This episode is the first in a three part series on 3 ways to change anything you would like to change with your body! In this episode, Heather explores the quality and fluidity of our tissue, and shares how dry, solid, hardened fascia and tissue can be a huge source of body pain and other health & neurological problems. She shares some tools for softening and lubricating your tissue, and ways to work with your own body to melt your tissue into a greater way of being!
Join Heather for a deeper dive into the world of your tissue, and what is possible with your body in her upcoming Fascia Lab - starting October 22! heathernichols.com/fascialab
Fascia Lab is also included in her upcoming 8-week Access Consciousness series: Body, Show Me: What is true for you? heathernichols.com/bodyshowme
Mentioned In This Episode
Liquid Collagen Supplement: modere.io/1kLDV7
Colostrum supplement: tryarmra.com
Hydrogen Water Bottle: https://heather7709790798168.lumivitae.com
Continuum Movement video: https://youtu.be/1gd7FWYp-jQ?si=JSwMFBoFTMBNNRF3
Access Consciousness 3 Day Body Class in Boulder, CO: heathernichols.com/boulderbody
Private Sessions & Session Packages - currently 10% off through October 21!: heathernichols.com/sessions
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Regenerating Your Body
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
This episode is a fast and wild deep dive into many different conversations, energies, and tools that we can use to change our fascia, regenerate our tissue, enliven our molecules, and change our lives as a result!
Enjoy the ride!
Mentioned In This Episode
3-Day Body Classes with Heather: heathernichols.com/bodyclasses
Body Show Me, What is true for you?: heathernichols.com/bodyshowme
Private Sessions & Intensives with Heather: heathernichols.com/sessions
Access Consciousness Bars, Foundation, 3-Day Body Class, and ESSE classes near you: accessconsciousness.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Meet the Creator
Heather Nichols is an author, facilitator, coach, & speaker who has been working in the field of transformation & the body since 1997.
Heather has an extensive background in working with the body as a somatic and trauma-based psychotherapist, movement facilitator, bodyworker and educator. She has built multiple businesses, and managed a large & diverse staff. She has worked with entrepreneurs and start-ups all over the world through virtual and live events to help them to create a greater business while simultaneously increasing their quality of life.
One of Heather’s gifts is her ability to facilitate entrepreneurs to include their bodies in the creation of their business, and to see business as an act of creativity, rather than one of life’s burdens. Heather derives great joy from seeing people thrive in every area, and watching that translate into dynamic growth, change, creativity, and profit in their businesses & with their bodies.
Learn more about Heather and her offerings at heathernichols.com