Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Biome – a podcast dedicated to nurturing the ecosystem of business, body, and living. Every business has a unique heartbeat that is fed, regulated, stimulated, and enlivened by its people. In fact, you can have a business – called your life – even if you don’t have a formal business. How and what do you feed it? How do you listen, make decisions, and move the compass needle in the direction of greater? What if your body knows something about that? Would you consider giving your body a leadership role in your business? The Entrepreneurial Biome is designed for high-level, enthusiastic, change-seeking entrepreneurs & creatives interested in growing their businesses through the enrichment of their lives and bodies. The Entrepreneurial Biome is about the art of a life well-lived that always translates into a healthy, growing business when the body is at the helm.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
What if you could use all of what you have - rather than just some of what you have?
In this episode, Heather plays with this question in regards to being, engaging with the world and our businesses, and creation.
When you allow all of you and all of the resources available to you to shine and contribute, you are energetically diversifying yourself and your creative world - which can yield much greater elegance with creation.
Join Heather for a unique look into the energies of diversification, and the profound effect this can have on the ecosystem of your life and living.
Mentioned In This Episode
5 Days of Creation: De-Structuring: heathernichols.com/5dayscreation
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Taking Apart the Structures That Limit You
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
We create so much structure in our worlds energetically in order to avoid being present, and having to engage energetically with people, ourselves, our bodies, and our creations. When you begin to de-structure those energetic realities, what is left is YOU! You, the being - undefined, aware, present, and different.
So often, we hold on to structures so that we can hold on to our definitions of ourselves and not encounter the discomfort that being undefined brings.
Join Heather on her balcony in Mexico to explore a vulnerable, real space of being undefined, de-structured, and all of the creative juice that comes along with it!
Mentioned In This Episode
Creating from Blank 2-part call: heathernichols.com/blank
5 Days of Creation: De-Structuring: heathernichols.com/5dayscreation
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
The Gift of Desire
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Desire is a loaded word for so many - and much of our culture, desire is seen as something that needs to be managed or avoided, lest we become overtaken by it, or disappointed if we allow ourselves to have it.
In this episode, Heather dives in to the gift that desire can be - and the elegance of creation that occurs when you are honest with yourself about what you actually desire.
Mentioned In This Episode
Tending the Biome - 6 Month Private Immersion: heathernichols.com/biomeimmersion
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Intimacy & Innovation
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
In the world of business (and life!), if you are not innovating, you are stagnating. Innovation can be part of the life force of any healthy business. How do you create a culture of innovation in your business, and stay on the creative edge in your industry?
Enter, the 5 elements of intimacy. Vulnerability, honoring, trust, gratitude, and allowance. These energies enrich the entrepreneurial biome with the nutrients required to safely and successfully innovate, whether you are a 'solo-preneur' or part of a larger organization.
Join Heather for a dive into these elements of intimacy and the creative & innovative world that they give you and your co-workers access to.
To schedule a consultation to work with Heather one-on-one, or have her work with your company, please fill out the form on heathernichols.com/contact
Mentioned In This Episode
Tending the Biome - 6 Month Private Immersion: heathernichols.com/biomeimmersion
Private Intensives: heathernichols.com/privateintensive
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Being an ADHD Entrepreneur
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
What is a neurodivergent entrepreneur?
Do you have a sense that your brain works faster than your mouth? Can you receive a lot of information quickly?
If you answered yes to those questions, this episode is for you!
Neurodivergence or "X-Men" as called in Access Consciousness is the umbrella term that includes: Autism, OCD, ADHD/ADD and so much more.
Heather is continuing the conversation about neurodiversity and business in this week’s episode!
She goes into detail about how X-Men’s brains function differently and how you can be in allowance for that difference, rather than having to constantly manage yourself or make yourself wrong.
X-Men have unique perspectives on pretty much everything which puts them at a creative advantage in the business world. Learning to harness this capacity while including your body is the key to becoming unstoppable!
Are you ready for the adventure?
Mentioned In This Episode
Giving Yourself the Keys to the Kingdom - Intimacy with You online series: heathernichols.com/intimacy
Check out Heather's schedule for upcoming X-Men and Joy of Business classes: heathernichols.com/events
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
What If Your Body Is a Gift? with Dr. Anthony Mattis
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Do you ever notice how happy kids are with their bodies?
They seem to stay with the curiosity of their bodies and just want to play or move around!
So what happens to that curiosity of our body as we grow into adulthood?
What if most people learn to stop listening to the information their body is giving them?
What if your body truly is a gift?
What if neurodiverse traits allow for a deeper connection to bodies and increased happiness in adulthood?
Join Heather and special guest Dr. Anthony Mattis on an adventure of all things bodies! They chat about what it's like growing up seeing the world very differently, not giving up your trust blindly in healthcare, and how the Access Consciousness body processes have allowed for communion with their body!
Mentioned In This Episode
Denver 3-Day Body Class with Heather & Anthony: dranthonymattis.com/coloradobodyclass
Access Bars classes around the world: accessconsciousness.com/bars
About Dr. Anthony Mattis
Dr. Anthony Mattis has been using the tools of Access Consciousness for the past 12 years and they have basically changed every area of his life. When he came to Access, his wife of ten years, had recently passed away and he was raising three small children on his own. He was on his knees looking for answers.
After studying every modality under the sun, he was so disenfranchised from the lack of success he had garnered from the other modalities, that he was very apprehensive about the tools. But he started using them and got so much change, despite his resistance, that he couldn't deny their power. Twelve years later, he travels the world empowering people to know that they know. He invites you on this journey with him to a greater possibility, and a greater world. What if you are the gift and the change the world requires?
Anthony's Links & Resources
Website: dranthonymattis.com
Facebook: facebook.com/dranthonymattis
Instagram: instagram.com/dranthonymattis
YouTube: youtube.com/c/dranthonymattis
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Neurodivergence & Outcreating Financial Insanity
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Do you hate following the crowds?
Do you always seem to make a left turn, while everyone else makes right turns?
Does money not make any sense to you?
If so, you may be neurodivergent! You have a unique awareness of the World that doesn’t always fit into popular culture.
In order to make yourself fit, you have to become something you are not, and it can be easy to loop into internalized self judgment.
What if your difference was not a judegable offense? What if your difference is something to be celebrated and cherished?
What if your unique perspective of the world was the key to thriving while others experience financial turmoil?
Join Heather on today’s episode as she explores ways neurodivergent characteristics can show up at any stage during life, how embracing these tendencies allow you to be more of who you really are and thrive during any financial circumstance.
Mentioned In This Episode
X-Men: Disabilities or Abilities? Class with Heather: heathernichols.com/xmenonline
Business Done Different Class with Heather: heathernichols.com/bddonline
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
The Neurology of Change
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
If you have a stuck pattern in your body, you will also be stuck in a pattern of choice.
What you perceive as possible for you and your business will be limited.
The nervous system keeps a lot of your personal history in place, which is then held in place by the fascia. When you allow the fascia to be malleable, the structure of your body and neurology can change.
This is what allows for fluidity in choices!
In today’s episode, join Heather for a conversation on how your body directly contributes to your ability to change and expand your life. You will learn how to resource your body, neurology and fascia.
Mentioned In This Episode
Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE): accessconsciousness.com/esse
Upcoming Classes & Events with Heather: heathernichols.com/events
For more information about Bowspring, join Heather's Bowspring Info & Resources Telegram group: https://t.me/+SS4IA4mExgE0Yzgx
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Meet the Creator
Heather Nichols is an author, facilitator, coach, & speaker who has been working in the field of transformation & the body since 1997.
Heather has an extensive background in working with the body as a somatic and trauma-based psychotherapist, movement facilitator, bodyworker and educator. She has built multiple businesses, and managed a large & diverse staff. She has worked with entrepreneurs and start-ups all over the world through virtual and live events to help them to create a greater business while simultaneously increasing their quality of life.
One of Heather’s gifts is her ability to facilitate entrepreneurs to include their bodies in the creation of their business, and to see business as an act of creativity, rather than one of life’s burdens. Heather derives great joy from seeing people thrive in every area, and watching that translate into dynamic growth, change, creativity, and profit in their businesses & with their bodies.
Learn more about Heather and her offerings at heathernichols.com