Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Biome – a podcast dedicated to nurturing the ecosystem of business, body, and living. Every business has a unique heartbeat that is fed, regulated, stimulated, and enlivened by its people. In fact, you can have a business – called your life – even if you don’t have a formal business. How and what do you feed it? How do you listen, make decisions, and move the compass needle in the direction of greater? What if your body knows something about that? Would you consider giving your body a leadership role in your business? The Entrepreneurial Biome is designed for high-level, enthusiastic, change-seeking entrepreneurs & creatives interested in growing their businesses through the enrichment of their lives and bodies. The Entrepreneurial Biome is about the art of a life well-lived that always translates into a healthy, growing business when the body is at the helm.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Tending the Beauty
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
“There’s so much beauty, we need to look after it”
– The Mole (from The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse Movie)
How often do you include beauty in your life?
When you choose beauty; by surrounding and nurturing yourself with it, you move in the direction of what you are asking for!
Being aware of the beauty of the Earth, and choosing to include that in your life, also allows you to extrapolate that beauty with your body and all of your the relationships.
In today’s episode, Heather joins from her home in beautiful Mexico where she shares how following her urge for beauty has actualized in her life - from being a steward of the Earth to creating a business!
Mentioned In This Episode
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse Movie: imdb.com/title/tt22667880/
Tending the Biome Private Immersion with Heather: heathernichols.com/biomeimmersion
Upcoming Events with Heather: heathernichols.com/events
Castello di Casalborgone in Italy: castellodicasalborgone.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Relaxation & Creation
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Do you include relaxation in your life?
And what does relaxation have to do with creation?
Relaxation can get you out of reaction!
Instead of needing to push, force or control something, relaxation offers space to take a completely different perspective.
A perspective that is inclusive of your body, and allows you to fully engage in changing your nervous system.
In today’s episode, Heather gives many pragmatic tools to include your body in both relaxation and creation, as well as tips for instituting these energies in your life!
Mentioned In This Episode
Find an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner near you: accessconsciousness.com/bars
Private Sessions with Heather: heathernichols.com/sessions
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
What If You Never Need to Know 'How' Again?
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Do you ever head-trip over ‘how’ to do something?
You know, the endless mind loop which seems generative, but only creates problems!
What if there was an elegant way to go beyond needing to know ‘how’?
True choice is the greatest power and the generative energy that allows you to actualize what you truly desire!
In today’s episode, you will learn tools to develop the skill of choosing, and moving beyond the ‘how’! Heather shares her personal resources with you that she uses to actualize her desires while continuing to add and expand her life!
Mentioned In This Episode
Access Consciousness: accessconsciousness.com
Joy of Business: accessjoyofbusiness.com
Heather's Generative Business Pods: generativebusinesspods.com
Business Done Different Class: heathernichols.com/bddonline
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Bowspring Movement with Desi Springer
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Have you heard the saying ‘movement is medicine’?
There is an emerging paradigm in the healthcare space where movement is being recognized for its vitality to our health & wellbeing!
Enter The Bowspring Postural Movement System!
The Bowspring method incorporates precise, mindful movements in set sequences of dynamic postures with powerfully therapeutic breathing exercises working holistically at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
In today’s episode, Heather interviews the co-creator of The Bowspring Method, Desi Springer! They talk about the genesis and the evolution of The Bowspring Method, & how including the fascial system of your body allows you to create greater health in every way possible!
Mentioned In This Episode
The Bowspring Method: bowspring.com
Bowspring Intro Class with Heather: heathernichols.com/bowspringtaste
Bowspring classes in all live classes with Heather: heathernichols.com/events
Bowspring Telegram Group: https://t.me/+SS4IA4mExgE0Yzgx
About Desi Springer
In 2012, Desi Springer took an uncharted path away from the standard alignment methods in modern postural yoga. Contrary to the alignment instructions of her yoga teachers, Desi “bucked the tuck” and started practicing a whole new postural form. In collaboration with John Friend, Desi created the radical paradigm-shifting Bowspring method in 2013, which has now expanded into a global community of over 120 teachers and thousands of students in over 17 countries.
Desi's Links & Resources
Website: bowspring.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Being an Athlete in Your Business Part 4: Having the Support of Great People!
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
After a championship run, it is not uncommon to hear professional athletes expressing their gratitude for their support systems - the people who have their backs and contribute to their goals.
Do you allow your team to support you and your business?
What if hiring people for their awareness and brilliance contributed to your business being a success?
What if you could empower people around you? What if you could make yourself useless?
Asking for someone who is better than you are means your business grows organically as people take on responsibilities and evolve themselves!
In today’s episode, Heather shares what a 'gaggle' is and how you can grow your team non-linearly by leveraging people’s brilliance and organizing your business in a way that allows for evolution!
Mentioned In This Episode
The Generative Business Pods - Engaging the Elementals: generativebusinesspods.com
Private Sessions with Heather: heathernichols.com/sessions
Who Not How Book by Dan Sullivan: https://a.co/d/2jMOWUJ
10x Is Easier Than 2x Book by Dan Sullivan: https://a.co/d/0EC0qz8
Unique Ability Book: https://a.co/d/gvf4lTQ
Access Joy of Business: accessjoyofbusiness.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Friday Jan 05, 2024
A Different Perspective on Profit with Dr. Dain Heer
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
What is profit to you?
What if there was another possibility with profit?
Profit is not just about money left over after you pay your bills! Profit is when everyone gains from what is being engaged with.
Tip: Being more creates greater profit!
When the biome is thriving you are profitable, and when you are profitable the biome thrives!
Join Heather and special guest Dr. Dain Heer on an energetic adventure as they explore the relationship between profit and how it influences every aspect of your life!
Links & Resources
Business Done Different Class: heathernichols.com/bddonline
About Dr. Dain Heer
An avid explorer of possibilities, Dr. Dain Heer, is an international author and speaker who is renowned for his joyful approach to life and his provocative perspectives on consciousness and creation. Founder of the annual International Being You Day and co-creator of Access Consciousness, one of the largest personal development movements that is practiced in 176 countries, Dr. Dain Heer is a catalyst for empowering people to know they can change anything. For over 25 years, he has invited people to see their differences as strengths, turn up the dial on their uniqueness, and embrace their greatness. Dive into Dain’s world at drdainheer.com and keep up with him on social @dainheer.
Dain's Links & Resources
Website: drdainheer.com
Facebook: facebook.com/drdainheer
Instagram: instagram.com/dainheer
YouTube: youtube.com/@drdainheer
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Tending the Biome with Your Being: Being an Athlete in Your Business Part 3
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
If you want your business to grow, commit to being more every day. – Dr. Dain Heer
Being, knowing, perceiving and receiving are the invisible powerhouses that feed, nurture and strengthen your Biome unlike anything else in the universe!
The quality of these energies allow you to move through what may seem like densities with total ease.
It’s about strengthening your ecosystem and creating longevity for decades (and maybe even centuries) into the future.
What would be possible for you with this different way of being, functioning and creating with business?
In today’s episode, Heather invites you to up-level your business by engaging with the energies of being, knowing, perceiving and receiving to shift your paradigm away from handling problems and into creating and contributing to a different future.
Mentioned In This Episode
The Generative Business Pods - Engaging the Elementals: generativebusinesspods.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Being an Athlete in Your Business Part 2 - Getting Clear
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Have you ever noticed that the greatest athletes have some of the best conditioning?
In crunch time, when the stress is high and their bodies are tired, they are able to turn it up to next gear and deliver exceptional performances.
That’s because it is so much easier to create with clarity!
When you have a clear sense of where you’re going and what you want to create - with your business and life, the universe can respond appropriately!
In today’s episode, Heather speaks to this and how clarity in one area permeates all other areas by informing the support you can begin to ask for (and allow to show up!)
Mentioned In This Episode
Getting Clear for the New Year: heathernichols.com/gettingclear
The Generative Business Pods - Engaging the Elementals: generativebusinesspods.com
Heather's Links & Resources
Website: heathernichols.com
Facebook: facebook.com/heathernicholscf
Instagram: instagram.com/heatherknichols
YouTube: youtube.com/@heathernicholscf
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heather-nichols-7
Telegram: heathernichols.com/telegram
Access Consciousness

Meet the Creator
Heather Nichols is an author, facilitator, coach, & speaker who has been working in the field of transformation & the body since 1997.
Heather has an extensive background in working with the body as a somatic and trauma-based psychotherapist, movement facilitator, bodyworker and educator. She has built multiple businesses, and managed a large & diverse staff. She has worked with entrepreneurs and start-ups all over the world through virtual and live events to help them to create a greater business while simultaneously increasing their quality of life.
One of Heather’s gifts is her ability to facilitate entrepreneurs to include their bodies in the creation of their business, and to see business as an act of creativity, rather than one of life’s burdens. Heather derives great joy from seeing people thrive in every area, and watching that translate into dynamic growth, change, creativity, and profit in their businesses & with their bodies.
Learn more about Heather and her offerings at heathernichols.com